My name is Marshawn Hoover, an 11 year old Humanoid Eevee. I was on a ship once going to the Mushroom Kingdom from the Sinnoh Region and I fell down and landed on a Flowery Island called Flower Paradise. A Shaymin lived there and Shaymin took me back to the ship and I raised him. Now here's the story:
[Day 1]
Mom: Wake up!
Marshawn: Ow my head! Freakin' celling.
Marshawn was in underwear and an only child.
Mom: Mornin' My little Eevee
Mom: Better catch the Transpo bus they stop at Proffesor Dogwood's lab today.
Marshawn: Im ready with my backpack that never ends and my Shaymin.
Marshawn: Made it!
Prof. Dogwood's lab!
Marshawn got off and head to the lab.
Professor Dogwood: My! You got a Legendary as your first. Unexpected!
His rival, Misty, was there(Yes the gym leader Misty.)
Misty: Your whatever cant beat my Piplup
Shaymin vs. Piplup
Shaymin used Razor Leaf
Piplup lv 5 10/29
Piplup used Peck
Shaymin lv 7 34/56
Shaymin used Seed Flare(Ill make spelling mistakes now)
piplup lv 5 Dead
Shaymin Exp 10/49
Marshawn: Yes!
Misty: No! Im a Gym Leader!
It was getting dark.
Marshawn let's camp out
The End!